Recent Posts by christopherbolt

NZ Rugby League

New Zealand Rugby League in conjunction with ACC required new videos as part of their new `LeagueSmart' training initiative. The two videos one for referees and one for coaches where filmed on a hot day at the NZRL home grounds in Greenlane Auckland.


The first in a series of Luxaflex online web videos designed as part of a great campaign developed by agency Procreation. Another display of great lighting from cinematographer  Richard Parsonson shooting on the SONY F5 and using a brilliant Arrimax M8 to create some additional sunshine. To watch the video click here:

Stock Footage

The range and diversity of people stock footage at has now increased dramatically with addition of a new selection of New Zealand clips and also a new range of exciting people stock footage from international producers. Here's a few production stills from a recent nzstockfootage shoot at the awesome Rauhoto Marae in Taupo. Many thanks to Sarona, Amy, Ivan,…

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